Kissingate Brewery value proposition and sale

Kissingate Brewery was first registered in 2010. Over the years we have built a fine reputation for brewing great beers

and for providing a vibrant and friendly environment in which to enjoy them.

However we know that Kissingate Brewery is creaking at the seams for expansion and its time to hand over this exciting opportunity to a new team.

So we will be retiring but are more than happy to arrange for a smooth transition in which ever way we can.    


The primary function of the brewery is to produce cask conditioned beer but has evolved over the past sixteen years to include many other facets.

We currently run the 8bbl brewery as Sole Traders/Partners with voluntary help and have no employees.

Permitted business operation hours as detailed in planning consent and licensing are 7.00am-10.00pm Monday-Saturday.

However the taproom is operating by the owners desire to limit hours to 11.00am-4.00pm Tuesday-Thursday. 11.00am-10.00pm Friday. 11.00am-4.00pm Saturday.

Lease on the premises lasts until April 2028 with opportunity to extend.

Kissingate Brewery Tours and Brew Day Experiences

We are partners with Redletter Day and Buyagift and provide Tours and Brew Day Experiences.

Typically we will conduct up to 40 Tours booked through our partners and 30 Tours booked directly with us annually.

There is scope to expand the tour side of the business significantly. Historical calendar bookings can be viewed on request.

Private events and party bookings

We hold a Premises Licence allowing sales and consumption on and off-site for beer, wines and spirits Monday- Saturday 10.00am-10.00pm.

There are two major annual events held at the brewery, Spring Festival and October Festival.

Each event will attract up to 300 people on the day.

We host private events for major corporations such as Google USA, Round Tables, Probus Business Groups, Rotary Clubs, Car Clubs, Cycling Clubs and special interest groups alike.

We also host birthday parties and wakes.

The brewery benefits from a large well fitted kitchen.

By compliance we are registered as a food-providing venue with EHO, Food Standards Agency for which we hold a 5 star rating.

Scope to expand the business

As a venue the brewery is set in a unique rural location within St Leonard's Forest.

We have an overall 5 Star Google and Trip Advisor rating attracting visitors from home and abroad.

It is expected that the new owners will capitalize on the geographical aspect as well as the excellent reputation that has been earned over the years.

Opportunities exist for longer operating hours in order to attract and cater for more visitors.

Careful placement of local road signage would guide visitors to the brewery attracting cyclists and walkers as well as those arriving by motor transport.

As a renowned and award winning producer of cask and bottled beers there is scope to greatly increase revenue from this side of the business.

There is a constant demand for Kissingate products from distributors and online sources such as Beer Hawk, EeBria, Brewster etc.

Opportunities to can and bottle for the home and foreign markets are ever present. So too are expanding the range of merchandise available from the brewery.

Hand-over and exit

The owners are fully committed to the smooth hand-over of Kissingate Brewery.

We will commit to the transfer of all licenses, digital files relating to artwork, digital stock records and database, contacts for pubs, suppliers and allies of the brewery.

All brewing equipment, fixtures and stock will be included in the eventual sale of the business.

Gary will train new members of the business in all aspects of brewing and managing the business in its current form.

It is expected that the hand-over and exit should take no longer than 4 months. However we would offer extra support should that be needed.

Please call 01403 891335 or mail us to learn more about the financials.

Kissingate Brewery, Church Lane Estate, Lower Beeding, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6LU

Tel: 01403 891335